Scientists discovered that Kepler-16b was in « circumbinary » orbit, circling two stars as opposed to one. This means that the planet would have two sunsets if you could stand on its surface, much like Luke Skywalker’s home planet of Tatooine in the Star Wars saga. The discovery of Kepler-16b demonstrated the diversity of the planets in our galaxy and broadened the prospects of what scientists and filmmakers could conceive.
This planet is definitely special enough to be #1 on our list, but what other strange planets have scientists discovered in the universe? Just how weird can they really get? This is a tidally locked planet to its parent star, BD+01 316. That is, a side of the planet is always facing the star, resulting in scorching temperatures of around 4,532 degrees Fahrenheit (2,500 degrees Celsius), which is hot enough to melt iron.