Why plane tires don’t explode on impact


Why plane tires don’t explode on impact

Why plane tires dont explode on impact

Why plane tires don’t explode on impact

Airplane tires are impressive feats of engineering that carry a plane through hard landings, soft landings, and even emergency landings. They bring together the best of science, engineering, and technology to make sure that an airplane’s landings are always safe and secure.

What are these near-magical tires made of and how can they succeed in carrying so much weight? For starters, plane tires are reinforced with aramid, an incredibly strong synthetic fiber known for its heat-resistant properties.

Aramid has a melting point of 932°F (500°C) whereas average rubber begins melting at around 500°F (260°C). This fiber is also resistant to abrasion, which means the tires can stay on a plane for nearly 500 flights.

Plane and regular car tires are also very different in terms of pressure; car tires are commonly filled up to around 30 psi (2 bars while plane tires start at a whopping 200 psi (13.8 bars), making them able to withstand a weight load of up to 38 tons (34.5 tonnes). That’s quite some pressure!

Finally, to make plane tires even more stable, engineers also fill them up with nitrogen. But that’s not all engineers do to ensure plane tires achieve their tasks to perfection.

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