What The Voyagers Have Detected In Space


What The Voyagers Have Detected In Space

What The Voyagers Have Detected In Space

From the current state of the Voyager missions, to the strange things that Voyager 1 & 2 have seen in space, and more! Join us as we show you What The Voyagers Have Detected Out In Space!

Before we talk about all that has been found by the probes out in space, we honestly need to go and talk about what these devices are, how they work, and how we communicate with them.

For those that don’t know, Voyager 1 is a probe that humanity sent out to observe the universe at large, and it’s currently well past Pluto and has shown us many things about our solar system. In 2017, it was set at around 138 AU’s from our planet. AU means « Astronomical Unit », which in this case means the distance from the Earth to the Sun. So 138 AU’s means that it’s 138 times far than the Earth is from the sun right now. That’s a really big number. Over 12 billion miles to be exact. That’s the farthest anything from man has traveled in space.

One of its crowning achievements was a photograph showing a set of sunbeams, and in one of those sunbeams was earth. It was a dot. A dot in a grander scale photograph of our solar system. That’s how small we are in the scale of our system when you look from the outside in, we are a dot. An epic dot, but a dot no doubt. As for Voyager 2, despite it launching BEFORE Voyager 1 (by 16 days), it was set on a similar mission to explore the solar system.

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