Is There One All Powerful SUPERFORCE Controlling The Universe?


Is There One All Powerful SUPERFORCE Controlling The Universe?

Bigbang and Universe

Is There One All Powerful SUPERFORCE Controlling The Universe?

The Einstein field equations provide the underlying principles to theories of gravitation, the big bang, black holes, and cosmology in general. Many variants of these equations have been developed by Einstein and subsequent investigators. These variants include differences in mathematical form, components, arithmetic signs, and the presence of particular constants, and corresponding mathematical solutions. The objective of this paper is to examine the variants of the Einstein field equations where the combination of fundamental constants c4/G occurs. This combination of the speed of light, c, and the universal gravitational constant, G, has the units of force. Significant relationships of this force to the Planck mass, Planck length, cosmic numbers, color force between quarks, and the Einstein field equations are derived and discussed. The characteristics of c4/G fulfill predictions for the superforce.

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