Gallium the terminator metal


Gallium the terminator metal

Gallium the terminator metal

Gallium is the terminator metal because it can change shape, form fidget spinner, go through aluminum and form explosive gases. Some tricks with gallium and Galinstan are shown in the video.

Gallium melts in hot sulpuric acid. It can be collected with a micropipette and small droplets join in a very funny way.

Potassium dichromate crystals are added, which makes gallium wobbling due to the formation of insoluble salts on the metal surface. The change of interfacial tension makes gallium change its shape.

Then we prepared galinstan by heating together solid metals gallium (68%), tin (22%) and indium (10%). While gallium melts at 29.8 °C, Galinstan is even liquid at −19 °C. It can be spread onto a glass to make a mirror.

A living creature comes out of gallium … an alien lifeform. This video shows how to fight back when these start coming from the future.

Great Gallium ( Ga ) 

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