Emotional Intelligence EQ vs Intelligence Quotient IQ
Emotional Intelligence EQ vs Intelligence Quotient IQ
Emotional Intelligence really helps to understand that success especially financial success is not about your IQ (even though many people believe this) but that it is about your EQ and Daniel Goleman states a lot that Emotional Intelligence is something that you can train something that you can get better in.
Emotional Intelligence is the single most important factor to predict life success, that it has zero correlation with IQ, and is the strongest driver of leadership and personal excellence
IQ is used to determine academic abilities and identify individuals with off-the-chart intelligence or mental challenges. EQ is a better indicator of success in the workplace and is used to identify leaders, good team players, and people who best work by themselves.
Definition :
Emotional quotient (EQ) or emotional intelligence is the ability to identify, assess, and control the emotions of oneself, of others, and of groups.
An intelligence quotient (IQ) is a score derived from one of several standardized tests designed to assess intelligence.
Popular Tests :
EQ : Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Test (emotion-based problem-solving tasks); Daniel Goleman model Score (based on emotional competencies).
IQ : Stanford-Binet test; Wechsler; Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Cognitive Abilities.
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