Elon Musk FIRST Tesla AI Robot Produced!


Elon Musk FIRST Tesla AI Robot Produced

Robots have remained fascinating ever since man could dream up the technology to make them. They have a long history, from automatons down to AI, but one common thing is the performance of tasks to alleviate man’s stress. In 2022 we just might be seeing a transformation in the robotics industry in creating robots that might be so realistic they could take on simple roles and tasks from man.


Oh yes, Elon Musk is at it again. If you don’t know that name by now, you are most likely living under a rock. The wealthiest man in the world and the owner of more than two companies worth over 1 billion dollars, Tesla has entered the trillion-dollar market cap gang. If it is Elon Musk, he might just be out to change the face of the industry again. Now they are not just rumors, but Elon Musk has an AI robot concept named Optimus, and there are projections that prototypes have finally arrived. What will this Tesla robot have to offer humanity? How and on what system will it operate?

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