Comparison: Smartest Person in the World | Person With Most IQ
Check out the Smartest Person in the world based on their human IQ level. You will find the person with the highest IQ score and will show you the most smartest persons who ever lived with most iq. List will include both the Most intelligent man in the world of all times and the Most intelligent woman in the world of all times.
Find out the Smartest people with most iq in the world and sorted in the order: Neil deGrasse Tyson, Mark Zuckerberg, Michael Jordan, Bill Gates, Anushka Dixit, Bobby Fischer, Manahel Thabet, Jacob Barnett, Judit Polgár, Paul Allen, Stephen Hawking, Andrew Wiles, Ivan Ivec, John Sununu, Benjamin Netanyahu, James Woods, Galileo Galilei, Leonhard Euler, Gottfried Leibniz, Nikola Poljak, Thomas Young, Nikola Tesla, Mislav Predavec, Garry Kasparov, Magnus Carlsen, Rudolf Clausis, Philip Emeagwali, Rick Rosner, Evangelos Katsioulis, Sho Yano, Nathan Leopold, Michael Kearney, Nadia Camukova, Dylan Jones, Isaac Newton, Nicolaus Copernicus, Willian Sidis, Voltaire, Edith Stern, Albert Einstein, James Maxwell, Christopher Langan, Kim Ung-Yong, William Shakespeare, Leonardo da Vinci, Christopher Hirata, Johann Goethe, K. Visalini, Marilyn vos Savant, Terence Tao, Carl Gauss, Ainan Cawley