Break Your Mental Resistance With The 2 Minute Rule animated


Break Your Mental Resistance With The 2 Minute Rule animated

Break Your Mental Resistance With The 2 Minute Rule animated

Why is it so hard to follow up on our new habits? One of the reasons is that the habit we’re trying to form can seem a little overwhelming, so we have this mental resistance.

In the beginning, when we’re super motivated it’s much easier to do something. For example; going to the gym for 1 hour doesn’t seem that hard, because the initial motivation is a powerful driving force. But when we’re motivated it’s also easy to impose some super high expectations on ourselves.

We think: « Ok, so I went to the gym for 1 hour the first few days. From now on I’ll to go to the gym for 1 full hour every single day. » But once that initial motivation fades away after a few days, there is now nothing that’s driving us forward, and we haven’t really formed a habit yet.

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