7 Reasons Why You Attract Toxic People
7 Reasons Why You Attract Toxic People
Do you ever wonder why good people attract toxic people like narcissists, psychopaths, and sociopaths? If you’re a good person, there are several reasons why you attract toxic people. You see, the types of people you attract have a lot to do with who you are. That doesn’t mean that you’re doing something wrong, but you may want to figure out what it is about you that is so alluring to toxic personalities.
If you are a highly sensitive person or an empath, you may especially feel like a magnet to toxicity. You attract narcissists, sociopaths, and toxic people because these individuals tend to flock to those with a generous and compassionate nature.
So if you tend to attract friends with problems or constantly attract toxic partners, watch this video to find out exactly why that is – and how to turn things around.