Do Neutron Stars Shine In Dark Matter?
Neutron stars are one of the most extreme and exotic objects in the known universe Neutron stars aren’t dark matter–we figured that out a while...
Neutron stars are one of the most extreme and exotic objects in the known universe Neutron stars aren’t dark matter–we figured that out a while...
Physicists Rolf Ent from Jefferson Lab, Newport News, VA, and Richard Milner from MIT, together with animator James LaPlante from Sputnik Animation, Portland, ME, have...
CHAPTERS: Become dangerously interesting Atomic components & Forces What is an isotopes What is Nuclear Decay What is Radioactivity – Alpha Decay Natural radioactivity –...
Artificial intelligence is evolving, and this is affecting how humans engage with it. It’s giving people and companies access to a whole new range of...
This is a summary of all the main companies building quantum computers today, and what their most powerful machines are. You can get the digital...
A mysterious quantum phenomenon reveals an image of an atom like never before. You can even see the difference between protons and neutrons. The Relativistic...
Light travels through space at a constant speed of 186,000 miles per second. Time, on the other hand, is a relative quantity that sometimes passes...
One of the most fascinating implications of Einstein’s famous equation E=mc2 is that matter and energy are interchangeable. Now, a team of scientists from Brookhaven...
“A mass in movement resists change of direction. So does the world oppose a new idea. It takes time to make up the minds to...
Have you ever wondered why the train wheel shape is conical, not straight. Let’s explore this simple, but genius invention in detail.
Adamantium, bolognium, dilithium. Element Zero, Kryptonite. Mythril, Netherite, Orichalcum, Unobtanium. We love the idea of fictional elements with miraculous properties that science has yet to...
The Plasma Lamp is inspired by Tesla’s inventions. It consists of a rod called a Tesla Coil that is really referred to as a secondary...