What If Those Liquid Water Lakes on Mars Are Something Else Entirely?


What If Those Liquid Water Lakes on Mars Are Something Else Entirely?

What If Those Liquid Water Lakes on Mars Are Something Else Entirely?

Mars is thought to have once been another Earth that was much more habitable than the barren desert of dust and ice it is today. Unfortunately, no liquid water on the surface seemed to have survived the intense irradiation it went through.

Life On Mars

When scientists first believed they had found evidence for what could be subsurface lakes deep below the ice and frozen ground of the Martian south pole, it went viral, but those lakes are probably not what they seem. They were suspected to be lakes of liquid water because of the way radar signals were interpreted. Also, water in its liquid form will sublimate, or vaporize instantly, on the surface of Mars, so it has to be underground if it exists.

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