Web Development Full Course
Web Development Full Course
This Edureka Web Development Full Course video will help you understand and learn Web Development in detail. This Web Development Tutorial is ideal for both beginners as well as professionals who want to master Web Development technologies. Below are the topics covered in this Web Development tutorial for beginners video:
1:46 HTML 2:03 What is HTML? 2:45 Structure of HTML 3:38 HTML Editors 4:21 Writing a HTML program 5:14 Doctype Declaration 6:30 Elements 15:40 HTML Forms 30:55 CSS 30:54 What is CSS? 31:59 CSS Syntax 32:32 CSS Selectors 33:54 CSS Box Model 34:31 CSS Units 1:34:26 JavaScript 1:35:01 What is Javascript? 1:36:46 JavaScript Stats 1:37:34 What can JavaScript do? 1:38:58 JavaScript Framework 1:41:44 Top Websites Built Using JavaScript 1:42:10 Benefits of JavaScript 1:44:21 JavaScript Fundamentals 1:51:23 JavaScript Variables 1:52:59 JavaScript Constants 1:52:58 JavaScript Data Types 2:03:31 JavaScript Objects 2:09:30 JavaScript Functions 2:12:38 JavaScript Conditional Statements 2:18:35 JavaScript Loops 2:27:36 JavaScript Switch Case 2:30:34 jQuery 2:34:21 Why use jQuery? 2:36:51 Getting started with jQuery 2:39:31 DOM 2:40:19 jQuery Selectors 2:47:58 jQuery Methods 3:20:58 jQuery Effects 3:36:46 jQuery UI 3:45:25 Angular 3:51:56 What is Angular? 3:56:44 Single Page Application 3:58:31 Angular 8: What’s new? 4:02:03 Angular Project Setup 4:06:16 Writing the Angular First App 4:21:32 What is Typescript? 4:22:59 Integrating Ext CSS 4:32:53 Angular Components 4:55:38 Data Binding 5:06:51 Event Binding 5:25:20 Using Built-in Directives 5:44:37 React.js 5:45:57 Why ReactJs? 5:50:14 Introduction to ReactJS 5:53:39 Advantages of ReactJS 5:54:10 ReactJS Installation 5:59:37 RasctJS Fundamentals 6:00:17 JSX 6:04:30 React Components 6:09:12 React Props 6:11:49 React States 6:16:54 React Lifecycle 6:22:34 React Events 6:31:06 React Refs 6:38:47 React Keys 6:39:48 React Routers 6:52:14 Node.js 6:53:24 What is Node.js? 6:54:43 Features of Node.js 6:55:34 Node.js Architecture 6:57:27 NPM 6:58:58 Node.js Modules 7:01:04 JSON File 7:06:00 Node.js basics 7:08:12 Node.js Operators 7:10:21 Node.js Functions 7:11:42 Node.js Objects 7:12:34 Node.js File System 7:16:21 Node.js Events 7:27:11 Node.js HTTP Module 7:28:14 Express.JS 7:29:29 Node.js Demo 7:41:13 MEAN Stack Application 7:44:51 CRUD Operations 7:44:56 RESTful API 7:45:39 Contact List MEAN App 9:00:49 MERN Stack Applications 9:03:15 MERN CRUD 9:04:02 MERN Application To-Do List App 10:05:10 How to Become a Full Stack Web Developer?