Voyager 2 Comes Back Online And Detects A Mysterious Hum


Voyager 2 Comes Back Online And Detects A Mysterious Hum

Voyager 2 Comes Back Online And Detects A Mysterious Hum 1

It looks like space is an abandoned empty place without the slightest sign of another civilization like us. But does this mean the universe is absolutely silent and nobody except us has tried to explore it? Scientists’ recent discoveries may prove otherwise.

The farthest space probe Voyager 1 has been traveling for almost 44 years now and still sends data back to Earth. And one day, scientists heard a shockingly strange cosmic hum.

Even though the probe has already sent similar recordings in the past, the newly discovered signal was significantly different. For the first time in human history, we got the chance to explore what’s hiding outside our solar system!


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