This chemical reaction kind of looks like magic


This chemical reaction kind of looks like magic

This chemical reaction kind of looks like magic

In my opinion, the iodine clock reaction kind of looks like magic. The first thing I need is a mixture of cornstarch (just a bit), and some boiling water. I filtered the mixture with some coffee filters. I then I’ll add some hydrogen peroxide and I labelled the mixture « part B ». For « part A », I need some pills, and I picked up some vitamin C. I only have to crush 2 of them, and mix them with water. This pulls out the vitamin C from the pill and leaves out the filler, which I need to also filter out. Then I added an entire bottle of iodine disinfectant. On top of this I’ll add a bunch of water, and that’s it for « part A ». Now all I need to do is mix the two parts together.


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