The Alpha Centauri System
The Alpha Centauri System
- Alpha Centauri was discovered in 1915, while it’s only confirmed planet, Proxima Centauri b, was discovered in 2016 and it is the closest exoplanet to us.
- The two main stars Alpha Centauri A and B form a binary pair and are 4.3 light-years away from Earth. They are also named Alpha Centauri AB. To the naked eye, they appear to be one single star.
When we eventually develop the capacity to leave our solar system, we will be ready to visit countless other worlds. Where will we go first? Probably the closest system to ours, since it’ll be the fastest. Which system is that? The Alpha Centauri System, with three stars, and at least one planet, which we think may even be habitable. What do they look like? What do we know about them? Let’s find out!