Standard Model of Particle Physics Explains Everything Except THIS
Standard Model of Particle Physics Explains Everything Except THIS
Standard Model of particle physics, Explained simply. The structure of matter, that is, everything you see in the universe _ you, me, the earth, stars happens to be made up of some core fundamental particles which are governed by four fundamental forces. Our best understanding of these fundamental particles and forces, is represented by the standard model of particle physics.
It is a stunning piece of work which explains nearly everything, But it has a gaping flaw, because it does not explain something that is fundamental to our existence. Not only that, it also happens to predict that our universe should NOT exist at all.
The standard model consists of 12 elementary particles known as fermions. The fermions are 6 quarks and 6 leptons. All non-fundamental particles like protons and neutrons are made of these elementary particles.
The guage bosons are force carriers and are responsible for three fundamental forces of nature. Gluons mediate the strong force which binds the nucleus of an atom. W and Z bosons mediate the weak force which is responsible for radioactive decay. Photons mediates the electromagnetic force which causes light and magnetism. And the Higgs Bosons gives all fundamental particles their mass by interacting with them.
What we need is a theory of everything that unites relativity and quantum mechanics. It’s possible however that nature is messy at the irreducible level. It is also possible that space-time itself is not smooth as General Relativity presumes, but is itself made up of quantum particles. In any case, if the next Albert Einstein or Isaac Newton happens to be watching this video, and is inspired to come up with a quantum explanation for gravity, perhaps he or she could also explain dark matter and dark energy, because these are not explained by the standard model either.
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