The theory of the hot Big Bang, which proposed that the Universe as we know it today arose from a hotter, denser, more uniform past, was one of the biggest scientific accomplishments of the twentieth century.
Initially presented as a viable alternative to some of the more accepted explanations for the expanding Universe, it was unexpectedly confirmed in the mid-1960s with the discovery of the « primaeval fireball » that remained from that early, hot-and-dense state: today known as the Cosmic Microwave Background. The Big Bang idea has reigned supreme as the explanation characterizing our cosmic origins for more than 50 years, with an early, inflationary phase preceding and setting it up. Astronomers and astrophysicists have repeatedly challenged cosmic inflation and the Big Bang, but the alternatives have faded as new, critical discoveries have come in.
But have you ever thought about what happened before the Big Bang? Scientists appear to have discovered evidence that another universe existed before our own. According to a Nobel Prize-winning physicist, there was a prior universe before the Big Bang, and proof for its existence can still be found in black holes. But is there any evidence to back up these claims? Stay with us as we investigate what existed prior to the Big Bang!
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