Schrödinger’s Cat The Biggest Mystery of Physics is Finally Solved


Schrödinger’s Cat The Biggest Mystery of Physics is Finally Solved

Schrödinger’s Cat The Biggest Mystery of Physics is Finally Solved

There may be a way of sneaking a peak at Schrödinger’s cat — the famous feline-based thought experiment that describes the mysterious behavior of subatomic particles — without permanently killing the (hypothetical) animal.

The unlucky, imaginary cat is simultaneously alive and dead inside a box, or exists in a superposition of « dead » and « alive » states, just as subatomic particles exist in a superposition of many states at once. But looking inside the box changes the state of the cat, which then becomes either alive or dead.

Now, however, a study published Oct. 1 in the New Journal of Physics describes a way to potentially peek at the cat without forcing it to live or die. In doing so, it advances scientists’ understanding of one of the most fundamental paradoxes in physics.

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