Pump–probe : New technology



Pump–probe : techniques for investigating ultrafast phenomena, where a pump pulse excites a sample and a probe pulse is used for probing the sample after an adjustable delay time

The pump-probe method using ultrafast laser measure phenomena on the scale of picoseconds are applied in fields as varied as ultrafast spectroscopy, photoacoustic and Terahertz imaging.

Traditionally, a single ultrashort laser generates a light pulse, divided into two to form a pump beam and a probe beam. A mechanical delay line temporarily shifts the two pulses. This method is very effective for short measurement times, but the acquisition times and the complexity of measuring increase considerably for longer times. Femtosecond oscillators t-Pulse and Mikan are well suited sources for these measures.



Amplitude Systèmes also offers a compact femtosecond oscillator, specifically designed for pump-probe measurements over long time scales.

It allows a measurement range of up to 20 ns ( nanoseconds = 10-9 ) , with a sub-picosecond temporal resolution. The system uses no mechanical delay line, and allows extremely fast acquisition time.

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