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On May 30-31, we might have a brief-but-intense meteor display, thanks to a comet that split apart in 1995 and is apparently still fragmenting. It might happen, as Earth passes through a particularly dense stream of icy particles which the comet left behind in the years 1995, 1897 and 1892.
NASA said that the night of May 30 and the early morning of May 31 will bring a powerful tau Herculids meteor shower courtesy of the SW3 comet.
The month of May will end with a cosmic surprise thanks to a comet that is now being torn apart. According to NASA, the night of May 30 and the early morning of May 31 will bring a powerful meteor shower courtesy of the comet 73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann or SW3. NASA says that the upcoming meteor shower named tau Herculids might be one of the brightest ones lighting up the sky this.eor shower on May 30-31