NASA’s Voyager 2 spacecraft reached the realms of the impressive ice giant.


NASA’s Voyager 2 spacecraft reached the realms of the impressive ice giant.

NASAs Voyager 2 spacecraft reached the realms of the impressive ice giant.

What NASA Photographed on Neptune – Actual Photos!

Almost 3 billion miles away from our blue home planet orbits the mighty Neptune. While for many centuries it was impossible for humans to get a close-up view of the shimmering bluish planet, this was to change once and for all in the late 1980s. In 1989, NASA’s Voyager 2 spacecraft reached the realms of the impressive ice giant. The detailed images of Neptune taken by the unmanned space mission gave us for the first time an authentic insight into the natural composition of this fascinating celestial body. We will now show you which of the images taken at that time still leave us in awe!


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