This Strange Discovery In Space Confused Scientists. What Did They Find?
NASA’s latest discovery has left scientists shocked and anxious to get their hands on it.Well, it’s none other than 16 Psyche, one of the rarest asteroids in the Solar System, that was found by NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope in the main belt between Mars and Jupiter, valued at ten thousand quadrillion dollars.
And now, NASA is ready to explore this rare metal asteroid with its namesake spacecraft. What they’re about to find might just change the world’s economy. This enigmatic asteroid, which lies in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, has only ever been seen from afar since it was discovered.
The celestial Psyche appears as a hazy fog when viewed through telescopes on the ground. Furthermore, it has a potato-like form based on the radar data. Despite its look, experts believe that Psyche is made up of a variety of extremely rare metals. Alternatively, it could have been the nucleus of an extinct rocky planet.