Nasa Confirms : Scientists Uncover the Largest Planet Ever Discovered


Scientists Just Found The Largest Planet In The Universe

Scientists just made a groundbreaking discovery, they have found the giant planet in the universe, and it’s not in our Solar System! Get ready to be amazed and learn everything you need about this incredible discovery.

We have counted down the top ten largest planets in the universe with their characteristics. You will want to take advantage of this. Stay tuned to know if the rumors are true; if scientists have found another planet that can support life.

In a groundbreaking discovery, a team of scientists has identified the largest planet known to exist in the universe. The planet, named OGLE-2016-BLG-1195Lb, is about 13 times more massive than Jupiter, the largest planet in our Solar System, and orbits a star that is about 22,000 light-years away from Earth.

This finding challenges our current understanding of how planets form and raises new questions about the diversity and distribution of planetary systems in the cosmos.


Top ten largest planets in the universe, based on their mass and radius:

OGLE-2016-BLG-1195Lb: 13.4 Jupiter masses, 1.11 Jupiter radii
TrES-4b: 8.3 Jupiter masses, 1.8 Jupiter radii
WASP-17b: 7.5 Jupiter masses, 1.99 Jupiter radii
WASP-12b: 6.2 Jupiter masses, 1.79 Jupiter radii
HAT-P-1b: 5.5 Jupiter masses, 1.38 Jupiter radii
HD 100546 b: 6.9 Jupiter masses, 1.9 Jupiter radii
HAT-P-2b: 8.6 Jupiter masses, 1.17 Jupiter radii
HD 17156 b: 3.2 Jupiter masses, 1.5 Jupiter radii
Kepler-17b: 4.4 Jupiter masses, 1.97 Jupiter radii
Kepler-10c: 17.2 Earth masses, 2.35 Earth radii

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