Here’s Why This Forbidden Hawaiian Island Is Completely Off-Limits To The Public


Here’s Why This Forbidden Hawaiian Island Is Completely Off-Limits To The Public

Here’s Why This Forbidden Hawaiian Island Is Completely Off-Limits To The PublicHere’s Why This Forbidden Hawaiian Island Is Completely Off Limits To The Public

About eighteen miles southwest of the Garden Island (Kauai), sits Hawaii’s “Forbidden Island”, also known as Niihau. Pronounced “Knee-ee-how”, with fewer than 200 residents, it is the least inhabited of the Hawaiian Islands. Once owned by Royalty, Niihau was purchased from King Kamehameha in 1864 and up to 1987, visits to the island were typically restricted to the owners and their guests, or government officials, which is how it gained its moniker; “The Forbidden Island”.

Here’s Why

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