Google Calendar


Google Calendar

Google Calendar

Google Calendar: Sign-in

There used to be a time when arranging a schedule meant pulling out a diary and flicking through the pages. It meant looking past the scribbles and the unreadable handwriting to find a spare space. It meant seeing the appointments you missed because… well, you forgot to look at your diary in time. And it meant looking for an hour that also suited the schedule of everyone else attending the event. It was always such a pain. However, this guide to Google Calendar will show you how to make the most of this digital calendar.

The good news is that you don’t need to do anything to get started with Google Calendar. As long as you already have a Google account, and about 1.2 billion people do, you don’t need to do anything more than open or bring up your app. If you’ve signed into your Google account you’ll already be logged in. If you don’t yet have a Google account, when you open that page, you’ll be invited to register. It’s free and doesn’t take more than a couple of seconds.

There’s a new Chrome extention on the block. It’s called Clockwise and claims to give you and your team back 20 hours of free focus time for teams. You can use this will GSuite on a solo plan too, is this the Google Calendar game-changer?!

Google Calendar Add-On Game-Changer?

world education

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