Something Terrible Is Happening To Saturn And No One Knows Why.
New NASA analysis reveals that Saturn’s distinctive rings are eroding at the maximum rate predicted by decades of Voyager 1 and 2 observations. Every year, more and more material is being lost from the rings.
The Sun’s radiation and incoming micrometeorites perturb the ring’s dusty particles, causing them to become charged. The atoms convert into spheres that spiral around Saturn’s magnetic field lines in a split second. Gravity drags the particles into Saturn’s clouds when they are too close to the planet’s apex, where they evaporate.
It’s called « ring rain, » and over time, it and other events will erode the distinguishing element that distinguishes Saturn from the rest of the solar system until there is nothing left. Saturn’s rings are made up of fragments of water ice ranging in size from tiny dust grains to boulders several yards (meters) large.