Does dark matter actually exist
Does dark matter actually exist
Modified gravity, MOND explained
Is it possible that what we have invented as dark matter to explain the motion of stars in galaxies and clusters is a figment of our imagination? Could it be that Einstein’s General Relativity has a flaw? Does dark matter exist?
Vera Rubin verified that stars in the outer edges galaxies are moving around the galactic center at about the same speed as those closer to the center. This cannot be explained by all the visible matter. This faster than predicted motion it was theorized is due to extra unseen matter, or Dark Matter that surrounds all galaxies.
But could this motion be equally well explained by a modification of Einstein’s General Relativity, just like Newton’s equations were modified by Einstein’s General Relativity?
This dark matter could perhaps be ordinary matter such as Neutrinos. Scientists don’t think neutrinos can explain the motion of stars in galaxies because neutrinos move too fast to allow halo formations around galaxies. But they do move slowly enough that they could form halos around clusters of galaxies on the scales millions of light years across, such as the bullet cluster.